Release Version V1.29.0

This version brought us New Features on Admin and User Portal!

Admin Portal

Direct Selling

  • Commissions Report Export (Excel): New Export option available for Commissions Report. Admin can download whole commissions of all distributors in an excel file to facilitate accounting and commissions’ payment.
  • Monthly Commissions in PDF: New document available for each distributor to facilitate invoicing.


  • Imports on Challenges: New import available for challenges, where it’s possible to import results and multiple challenges at one time.


  • Filter “Private/Public”: In Sessions list is now possible to filter and sort by public or private sessions.

User Portal


  • Virtual Coins: It’s now possible to use virtual coins earned in the platform to make payments in the marketplace. To use this new feature, you must activate the wallet option on Bravon store and configure a value per coin in the settings of the admin portal.

Direct Selling

  • Monthly Commissions in PDF: Distributor’s monthly commissions invoice available in “my commissions” page, allowing to facilitate invoicing.