Session Manual

Learn all about Bravon Sessions 

create session Join session

Admin Portal

How to Create Sessions

Academy -> Sessions -> + Add Session
Attention to the following Steps:
Step 1:

Session Mode:
Private: you'll choose the target in step 3 and only those will be able to see and register in this session.
Public: set the minimum and maximum number of participants and everyone can see and register for this session. If the user is not registered in the organization, he will see a form for registration on the session page.
Status field:
"Draft": Sessions still in development and not yet submitted for registrations. Not visible to the common user.
"Lead": requested by clients or created by the admin but not already validated -> not visible in the user portal
"Planned": validated sessions that are planned to happen in the future-> visible in user portal and available for registrations.
"Confirmed": Planned Sessions that reached the minimum number of users or were validated by the Owner.
"Canceled": sessions that were canceled
Name: insert a name for the session 
Summary: insert a summary for the session
Description: insert a description of the session
Assignee is the manager of the Session, the one responsible to set everything up
Category: select a type of category
Image: insert an image that will represent the session
Language: select the language 
Available countries: Choose the countries where the Session will be available in
Currency: choose the currency 
Content accessible before payment checkbox: By selecting this option the content will be accessible before the payment is approved
Price: if you want to set a Free Session, you should leave this field blank
Promotional Price: if you want to create a discount on the Session's Price
Promo Start Date: define the start date for the promo
Promo End Date: define the end date for the promo 
VAT Category: If you select one of these categories the VAT Rate will be calculated automatically
Private note: if you want some private notes about the session

User Portal

How to Join Sessions

Join a Free Session
Attention to the following Steps:

Academy -> Sessions -> Open Session:
If Webinar Session: -> Subscribe
If Online Session: -> Open Session
If Classroom: -> Open Session - Subscribe

Join a Paid Session
Attention to the following Steps:

Academy -> Sessions -> Open Session -> Enroll -> Checkout Process -> Complete order:
If Webinar Session -> Join Webinar -> Confirm Participation (Open the QR CODE or click ‘’confirm participation’’)
If Classroom Session -> See Session Details 
If Online Session -> Open Session

Join ​a Paid Public Session for Users not Registered 
Attention to the following Steps:

Session Link -> Form (Create account & Subscribe) -> Add New Card -> Add Card -> Confirm -> Join Session

Join ​a Free Public Session for Users not Registered 
Attention to the following Steps:

Session Link -> Form (Create account & Subscribe) -> Join Session