Coupons Manual

Learn all about Bravon Coupons 

admin portal user portal

Coupons can be created and used both on Academy or on Marketplace, but the steps of creation are the same.

Admin Portal

How to Create Coupons

 Academy/Marketplace -> Coupons -> + Add Discount Coupon
Attention to the following Steps:
Step 1:

Code: The code that will appear on the coupon and the one that users can manually add (ex: CODE20).
Type: The type of discount that the coupon will make.

Expiration date: The date from which the coupon expires. If you don't want to have an expiration date, ignore this field.

Step 2:

Minimum price: The minimum price required for the discount to be available (ex: coupon can be used on purchases over 10€). If you don't want a minimum price, ignore this field.
Maximum price: The maximum price that can receive discount (ex: coupon can be used on purchases until 50€). If you don't want a maximum price, ignore this field.
Products Variation: Pick the variations of products to which the discount may apply
Team Targets: Pick the teams to whom the discount appliesTarget Email Domains: Pick the email domains to whom the discount applies
Product Categories: Pick the categories of products to which the discount may apply
Products: Pick the products to which the discount may apply
Target Users: Pick the users to whom the discount may apply
Target User Types: Pick the user types to whom the discount may apply
Commissionable: When selected, the products with VA will count all VA by using the coupon.

Step 3:

Usage limit: The number of times the discount may be used (ex: the coupon can be used 100 times).
Usage limit (per user): The number of times a single user can use the discount (ex: a user can only use the coupon once).

User Portal

Apply a coupon

On a checkout process
Once you are in a checkout (either on Academy or on Marketplace) you can find a block where you can add your discount reward.