Journeys Manual

Learn all about Bravon Journeys 

User portal Admin Portal

Admin Portal

How to Create a Journey

Perform -> Journeys -> Add Journey 

1. Info

Publish: ​Select if you want the Journey to be visible to the public.

Name: Choose the name of the Journey.

Summary: A brief description of the Journey.

Description: ​A description of the Journey.

Why?: Why should users take this Journey?

Image: Select an image to represent the Journey.

Tags: Write multiple tags related to this journey.

Force Sequential Step Completion checkbox: Select the field if you want to force sequential step completion.

Target: You can target the journey to users and/or teams.

Sequential: If selected, the users will have to follow the steps of the Journey sequentially. 

Language: Choose the language of the journey.

Excluded Languages: By adding languages to the excluded filter, it means users with this language won’t have access to the journey.

Available Countries:  Choose the countries where the Session will be available. Leaving it empty means it will be available in all countries.

Content accessible before payment:  This option will be accessible before the payment is approved.

CurrencySelect the currency of the Journey

Price: Select the price of the Journey.

Promotional price: Select a promotional price of the Journey.

Promo Start Date: Define the start date for the promo.

Promo End Date: Define the end date for the promo.

2. SEO

Improve the SEO of the Journey in this step. You can edit:



Link:  you can choose the slug of the journey

